The Unwelcome Holiday Lights Rivalry
It was November, and just as the last of the Halloween decorations were stored away, I noticed my neighbor Sharon getting an early start on her holiday display. Sharon was known for going over-the-top with her decorations, turning her yard into a chaotic mix of flashing lights, inflatable reindeer, and even a life-sized Santa’s workshop. But this year, she seemed to have taken it to a whole new level. Every inch of her yard was covered, and to top it off, she’d added a massive, flashing neon arrow pointing right at my house, with a sign that read “Silent Night Zone.”
At first, I laughed, thinking it was some kind of prank. But as days passed, the giant flashing arrow stayed, drawing attention to my relatively quiet and undecorated yard. It was as if Sharon was calling out my lack of holiday cheer for the entire neighborhood to see. By the time I’d walked over to ask her about it, I was more annoyed than amused.
“Oh, hi!” she greeted me cheerfully when I knocked on her door. “How do you like the decorations? I think they really bring out the holiday spirit!”
I pointed at the neon arrow with a half-smile. “Yeah, about that… was the arrow really necessary?”
She beamed at me, unfazed by my irritation. “Oh, absolutely! It’s a nice contrast, don’t you think? People love seeing big displays, but it’s also nice for them to see a calm, quiet house. Yours was perfect for it! Plus,” she added with a wink, “everyone’s looking at my display, so I figured it would just help people appreciate it even more.”
I couldn’t believe her logic. “So… you put a neon arrow pointing at my house because you think it’s too plain?”
“Exactly!” she replied with enthusiasm. “You’ve been such a good sport about it, too. Happy holidays!” And with that, she closed the door, leaving me standing on her porch, speechless.
On my way back home, I began thinking of ways to “join in the fun” and give her a taste of her own medicine. I’d never been much for huge holiday displays, but I knew just the way to respond.
The next weekend, I went all out. I picked up every bit of lawn decor I could find: flashing lights, an inflatable snowman family, and a giant Santa that towered over Sharon’s reindeer. But my masterpiece was a huge sign reading “Silent Night Zone? More like Santa’s Headquarters!” complete with its own flashing lights. By the time I finished, my yard looked like the North Pole itself.
Sharon was out in her yard as I set up the final touch, and I could see her staring, her mouth slightly open. For once, she didn’t have anything to say. The tables had turned, and as I looked at my now fully decked-out lawn, I knew this was only the beginning of our “friendly” holiday rivalry.
For the rest of the season, each of us kept adding more decorations, with Sharon trying to reclaim the title of “most festive yard,” but I was ready for each of her moves. By the time Christmas came around, our street was known as the brightest—and most competitive—spot in town.